Coaching Systems

How aware you are of this game you can make the difference between success and failure in foreign juice . a John Whitmore, one of its Europe’s most important supporters has developed in the corporate world and has also been one of the drivers and even personal coaching dela, a selfcoaching. Recently NLP a “Programming convertidoa Neurolisguistica-has a coaching tools especially with the work of Joseph OoConnora and Robert Dilts. The coaching that expanded a few years ago, thanks in large part to the dissemination and marketing of Leonard, Coachg / Ville and Hi-coach to mucho.a Y has evolved into something more institutionalized, I would like, says Fredy Kofman, growing as a discipline, and at the same time continue to attract creative minds always push the border to try to help people to have greater self-control and to produce valid results in their work and personal life. I am convinced that coaching with systemic perspective provides a new approach to learning and will be a final impetus for consolidation.

a The focus of coaching systemic perspective addresses three key factors: a – The contents of the fields: They consist of theoretical contents, a guiding ideas, patterns, tools and principles. Our six core disciplines are: personal mastery, systems perspective, goal communication, mental models, management of emotional states and team learning. – Testing: Our testing laboratories and training camps are coaching sessions, dialogues, nanoexperienciasa and prototypes. – Essences: The state of being of those who reach a high mastery of each discipline. The process generates selfcoaching for it. a The theoretical contents of the disciplines are important for ELA beginner and even more for ELA coach. For the beginner, are the basis for understanding the disciplines and their own experimentation.

For ELA coach, are a support to continually improve the practice of the disciplines and also to explain it to others. The domain of any discipline requires an effort to understand the content and experience it. It is a great mistake to think that when you have understood the ideas and principles ciertosa rectorasa and has learned the discipline. It’s a trap widespread confuse intellectual understanding and learning. Learning always involves new understanding and new behavior. It involves thinking and doing, both elements are essential. Almost always, the difficulty is not knowledge but to do the behavior. In the experiment the practitioners of a discipline focus time and energy. Requires conscious effort and constant. But gradually the testing is a discipline becomes automatic. We saw after the dialogue: we recognize our assumptions. After a nanoexperiencia or in a coaching session: identify feedback processes spontaneously or confirm the objectives. At the level of essences must not focus our conscious attention for learning. In the same way that we make no effort to love or will enjoy a Paza or joy. The essence of the disciplines is in a state of being, an idea way to be. I truly get to experience the people and teams that have a high level of proficiency in the discipline. A coach with a high command of the systemic approach identifies and develops the processes and tools naturally. At this level, the disciplines are beginning to converge. A common sensibility unites them: The sensitivity of being trainees in an interdependent world.